Monday, February 20, 2012

Presidents Day!

How many of you have school today? We Students don't have school today (it's a staff only day), so I don't have any presidential activities going on but I am going to do different presidential themed activities throughout the remainder of my short(er) week. Thank you Pinterest and blogland for all the great ideas! One of my favorite activities from last year was the job application I made. It was so funny to read why my students thought they'd make a good president! I'm really looking forward to reading through those again and you can bet that will be one of the first activities we do. If you're interested, you can find that post here. You can also find other related posts here. I ordered a new book about Presidents Day (Having an Amazon Prime account just makes ordering things too easy!!!) and I can't wait to read it to my kids. I am always on the look out for new books - what books do you use for Presidents Day and related activities? Do you have any great Abraham Lincoln books? I have several on George but my Abe section is empty and I'm borrowing from the library. I'd love to hear about some cute titles to order for next year!


  1. I happened across you blog last week and I LOVE it! I teach first grade in NY. I love the book Abe Lincoln's Hat to use with my class. Then I have them write a few Abe facts and put them inside a tall hat cut out. I'm not in school this week or I'd send you a pic. There's also a good one called Just Like Abe Lincoln that compares him to a kid. What George books do you use? I have very few on him...

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