Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where It All Goes Down - A Classroom Photo Tour!

This post is going to be short and sweet (by my standards at least). Before I get to the photos, I have to put up this disclaimer: I just moved into this room. I really haven't entirely made it my own yet and there is so much empty space right now, especially on my walls. I took all of these pictures before I put up anything with student names, before I put up any focus walls, and with the idea that I wanted to leave empty space for anchor charts that we will make together. It's still a work in progress.

That said... here it is! Room B107!

 The bulletin board outside of my room. I took a close up of the letters because I thought the stitching was too cute with my orange border. Hook 'em!

This is my whole group area, calendar and bucket filling board (the empty yellow one is where our buckets will be). It's [the calendar] kind of crammed in there on the side of the whiteboard, but I really wanted to set it up there because I can staple in to that  blue wall, but not the other.
This is my very empty guided reading area, word wall and focus wall. On the doors of my metal cabinet I will have my Daily 5 choice chart and my math stations. Again, I took all the pictures before putting anything up with names or pictures of my kiddos. The white bookshelf holds my leveled readers and the plastic drawers are where I store all of my guided reading materials.

This is the back of the room. We are super lucky and all have 6 student stations. I L-O-V-E having those built in cabinets! I don't think you can tell in the picture, but all of the drawers and cabinets on the bottom are labeled with our supplies - pencils, crayons, markers, index cards, glue, glue sticks, handwriting paper, notebook paper, manila paper, construction paper and white paper. My Daily 5 I-charts are going to go on the doors of those bottom cabinets. Today was our second day of training for Read to Self and they like to lay on the floor back there so I think it will be the perfect spot for those! Our mailboxes are on that counter and I store all of my "junk" in plastic bins on top of the cabinets. It's hard to see, but there is a small plastic shelf unit between the cabinets and computers. That's for all of my word work supplies.

 A view of the room from the back! That's my desk/workspace in the right corner, under the tv. We watch our 6th graders do the announcements on our tvs every morning. It's pretty cool, especially when a firstie has an older sibling to watch!

I love having a wall of windows, even if it means less space to hang things. Having all of that natural light and being able to see the outside world is wonderful! I plan on using that table as a place to set up science materials when I'm prepping for science, and as a little writing area during Daily 5 time.

Here you can see where I'm storing our book boxes and math manipulatives. The colorful drawers and brown drawers are going to be used to store my math games and math stations. I wanted to store my word work things here too, but they didn't quite fit so the mini shelf that holds those things is on the back wall between my cabinets and computers. It doesn't really look like it belongs there, but it's easily accessible and that's what counts right? I'm not sure if you can really see this, but I am really excited about the clothesline that I hung up above these shelves. It runs to the other end of the room and I can't wait to hang student work up there!

That's it! Remember... it's a work in progress. Also, my digital camera died so I had to take these pictures with my iPhone. They're not terrible but they could be better! Link up over at Blog Hoppin' and share your classroom photos!

1 comment:

  1. I love your bulletin board - We make a great team! I always talk to my students about team! Very cool background. Thanks for sharing.
